Education is an expected power which reflect only! When we apply it.

These are most famous lines in all over the world that “ Education is power” But I don’t believe this statement because many research have proved that education is not power it is actually an expected power which work only when you apply it. If you are learning more and more and applying nothing how it is possible that change will comes out.
Education is an expected power which reflect only! When we apply it.
Here am going to report you some examples that how education can play role as your strength.

Example # 01

Mr. XYZ is a student of Computer technology and he is learning more and more about his field but not applying in actual life. Do you believe he will change his life style or his Economic level increase automatically? No! it is not possible even he have to be the part of a market and apply his skills in real life to get betterment in his life. 

So Education was just to enhance his skills not the power to bring change even he start applying that knowledge in his life. 

Example # 02

Education is an expected power not the power you can say that education increase your knowledge and skills but it comes out when you start applying in your life. 

Mr. X is expert in administration but he have no business nor the job. Can you expect his skills are strength for him? No some time it may be these skills start being confusing his life. Because he is not what he is? 

Let start applying you knowledge and skills in your life and feel the power of knowledge. You can share your idea on this topic thanks for being the part of this research.