History of Taunsa Sharif with 99 % Education Rate in Pakistan.

The City having 99.99  % Education Rate in Pakistan taunsa sharif.

Pakistan is one of the developing countries of the world and still focusing for the Education reforming. Our education system is covered under many barriers that need to be clear for a batter education system. Do you know the city having 99.99 % education rate in Pakistan? A city called “Unane Sagheer” which is an old term meaning where education rate is high. Here is some best info about the Education system of Taunsa Sharif. Why Taunsa is going high in Education and why the People of Taunsa are much famous in all over the world for their education and skills. This is an article about Taunsa city and all about the Info how the People of Taunsa are working for growing education system. Let read the complete Post and know some basic reasons of Good education system.

The City having 99.99  % Education Rate in Pakistan taunsa sharif.

History of Taunsa Sharif with 99 % Education Rate in Pakistan.

Local News Papers of taunsa Sharif:

Every culture has its some situatianla source of assets that share its values and traditions. Taunsa Sharif is one of the famous city of Pakistan under District DG Khan. We are going to discuss all about Taunsa but here are some Local News papers in City of Taunsa Sharif.

  • 1.       Almanzoor Haft roza
  • 2.       Tass Taunsa
  • 3.       Voice of Taunsa
  • 4.       Bool Taunsa

Why taunsa is Much famous the Reasons of its fame:

Famous products , famous name and brands have its story and reasons of being much famous. Here are some reasons because the name of taunsa is much famous. No doubt the Name of Hazarat Khaja Sha suleman is good enough for the famous or name of Taunsa here are some most true based reason which create the good name in all over the world.
  • 1.       Hazrat Khaja Shah Suleman.
  • 2.       The Super Rate of Education in all over the Pakistan.
  • 3.       The Tradations of Sariki Peoples.
  • 4.       Shah Suleman the series of mountain.
  • 5.       The Skills people of this Land

May be you like this video of Urse of Khaja Shah Suleman Taunsvi.


These are the super reasons of taunsa sharif fame which make a different between all other cities of Pakistan. A city of Education the land of full natural source of Beauty and Due to Hazrat Khaja sha suleman Shb it is much more famous all over the world

The graveyard of School in Pakistan:

Every day in every street of the city you can listen the new name of school and every month many schools shutdowns due to big competition in taunsa. Peoples comes from all over the Pakistan to get education and moral education but due to a huge competition every day many school give birth and with the passage of time they have to get close due to lack of source to continue. Keep in mind the people of taunsa think Education is not a business it is just like pray. Those who consider it as business comes down and at last shutdown because of the bad intention.

So we called a city of school graveyard that is no other city but one and only Taunsa Sharif. The City of 100 % rate of Education in Pakistan.Photo of Peer Phatan nagri In taunsa

Top 10 School in the History of Taunsa with 100 % Education rate.

If you are looking for top 100 school or Educational institute of taunsa here is the List of top 10 best Schools in the City of Taunsa Sharif.

  • 1.       Grrrasion Public School the symbol of Education.
  • 2.       Government Boys High school Taunsa a Brand of Education.
  • 3.       Government Girls High School Taunsa a way to learn innovation.
  • 4.       Frinds school Tauns sharif a light to get more knowledge.
  • 5.       Tameer e Now academy having no competitor.
  • 6.       Ibne Qasim public School.
  • 7.       Taunsa College of Commerce.
  • 8.       Allied School Taunsa sharif
  • 9.       Allama Iqbal College of Technology.
  • 10.   Leads college system

These are the top 10 Educational institutes in Pakistan. But this is not enough more. There are more than 100 school in the small city of Taunsa sharif more than 20 colleges which are working for the different branches of education and more than 300 academies who are still focusing for a batter education system in Taunsa. Introduction about Taunsa in urdu.

Why Taunsa have Different Name which no city of Pakistan blessed for.

When intention is good, hard work is the habit and mission is clear the destination is under your control. You know very well where you are going. Of course the city of Taunsa have the skills and real intention with the hard work and passion to get this fame and name that all over the Pakistan students comes to the city of Taunsa and get education here. I salute all the teacher who are working like this and request every school of Pakistan to fallow the system of Taunsa as a role model to get 99 % education in every village and city of Pakististan.

If you have any more question about City of taunsa Please share with us and comments on the below lines. 

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