The education is always very important for the development of the society and we can never deny the power and the strength of the education but there are some of the flaws which is faced by the society due to the bad factors of our educational system

There are many of the problems of the modern education system which is faced by the society. In my articles I am going to write some of the bad factors of the educational system


  • Change the thinking
  • Change the feeling of the students
  • Threat to the privacy
  • Sex crime
  • Less physical activities
  • Discipline issues
  • Lack of the motivation
  • Do not care about the attendance
  • New requirements and lack of resources
  • Poor parental support
  • Parents did not spend the money on the education
  • Students are distract
  • Limited information
  • Better technology and poor education
  • Less homework
  • Lot of the pressure on the children
  • Give the critical thinking

Now the world is total change. There are many of the changes take places in the world. If we compare the old and new world then many of the facts will reveal to us that how much changes take place. Same case is happening without education system. There are many of the changes takes in the education which change the thinking of the students. It is the natural process that when the change happens in one thing then it effects the other things direct or indirect. When the education system change then the thinking or the feeling of the students will also automatic changes. Now the students become more confident and more practical. This is the bad factor of the education system because the students are not feeling the worth of the teachers and parents

Now it is the time of the media and the technology. So it is the demand of the world that educates the child when the demanded is around. So there is fashion and demand of the social media. We can say that many of the material found in the social media which is not found in the books but the bad factor is that the social media is very much threat for the privacy

Due to the media and many of the other social media. Now many of the sex crime and the sexual harassment are seen in the adult. So it is the worst aspect of the education system. If the student is going to pay the attention on the other side which is pro hidden for the students and he takes interest in the activates before the time then the result will come in the disaster. As we have talk before that it is the time of the social media and the using the computer and the technology so these are the activities which is perform by the less of the physical activities. So it is the harmful for the students and for the other member of the society. Less of the physical activities is harmful for the body and it bring many of the negative effect to the personality

There are many of the activities build in the education system which make the student more confident and more powerful attitude so he can move in the society with great of the confidence but on the other hand when a person get the confidence and power before the time then it mean society have to face many of the problems which is related to the discipline. There are many of the activities which is the reason of the wastage of the time. I would like to give my own example when am going to complete my assignment and I knew very well that the assignment is very important and I have less of the time to prepare it yet I like to check the updates of my face book and other side of the social media. So in this way student lost many of the precious time

When we are going to talk about the educational system then there are many of the students who are the part of the education system. Some of them are rich, some of them are poor, and some of them are lack of interest to pay the fund for the education purpose. In this way there is lack of the fund; with the lack of the fund it is impossible to provide all the facilities to all the students. Now the society and the education system have divided into many of the parts but the two parts are most important one is the latest technology and other is bookish knowledge. Well it is the truth that latest technology is always powerful to attract the student attention. so the student gets fail to maintain the attention towards the bookish knowledge and they get lack of the motivation


Our education system introduces many of the new things which develop the attitude and the behavior of the students which bring the harm to the society and the nation. Now the students get over smart and over confidence. They think that it is not important that if they skip the classes if there is lack of the attendance in the class and they do not attend the lecture.Our society is in the dilemma there are two conditions which is faced by the society and by the students of our country. Basically we belong to the country which is the developing country. Now the technology is change there is new requirement and there is new trends but we have less resources to give the facility of the latest technology to the students

It is the sad fact of the society that there are a lot of the parents who do not want that their children get the education and get the aware and get the knowledge. Many of them wants that their children earn the money and support their family. There is poor parental support of the parents towards the education of their children and there is great number of the students who are fail to get the education

 Well I had seen many of the example surrounding me that the parents have lot of the money they have many of the resources but they do not want to spend the money of the education of the child. Our society is the male dominant society so they want that their son will get the educations and their daughters stay at home and learn the home task instead of the education

Student have the soft mind it is the teacher and the parents and the education which build the mind of the students when the teacher and the parents do not support the students and they saw many of the choice then it means he is going in the negative way. The student will distract due to the lack of the support of the teacher and the parents and saw the flaw of the education system. Now it is the age of the media and the technology. Our system also introduces many of the patterns which have less of the information and less of the work by which the student gets less of the education and less of the information. It is the most dangerous form of the educational system. When a student get the degree of the master level but he have the knowledge of the metric level then it is sad for the education

It is the age of the technology and the media. Many of the invention are introduced and used in the field of the education for the betterment of the education field but it is the sad fact that there is better technology is introduce but we are going to be fail in introducing the better education system. We are offer the better technology with the poor education Now the education system gives the authority to the students and it is the big flaw of the education system. Now the students become more critical and more complex. They critics the work of the teacher. They never think that there is respect relation of the teacher and the students. Such attitudes and the behavior will disturb the relation of the teacher and the students

In the old times there are many of the class activities and lot of home work which student receive from the teacher it is the way to engage the students towards the education. In this way there is relationship build with the books and the studies but in the modern education system there is bad fact is this that there is less of the home work which feels that the students is free for all the activities which he wants to perform The worst factor which I found in the education system which is introduced in the society is that the students are engage in many of the task which is not related to the education and many of the education task are changed which is important for the qualifications. Now the child is going to have lot of the pressure of the different activities which is bad for the education career

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