How to make setting YouTube account overview setting on YouTube channel

How to make setting YouTube account overview setting on YouTube channel

Overview setting on YouTube Channel, Adding Overview on YouTube, YouTube Channel Overview adjusting idea, How to do setting overview on YouTube channel

This is our next lesson on how to create YouTube account overview setting. Let see the procedure step by step guideline. We are here for you to teach you about online money making methods. Am really happy that you are responding by comment. Your comments motivate us to work batter as per your demand.  

No doubt, I am working for you so I have to care about your choice. In this episode we will discussed about How to make setting YouTube account overview setting on YouTube channel

For any kind query you can comments us on our page YouTube , Face Book or twitter. You can share your view on this page also. Here are detail step by step guideline for How to make setting YouTube account overview setting on YouTube channel

How to make setting YouTube account overview setting on YouTube channel

1. To get access your overview click on your channel button over right side (where you sing out) click on YouTube setting.
2. On the left you will find account setting.
3. Here you will find the account name which appear on your Google plus account.
4. Don’t worry with time to time you can change it.
5. If you have many channel and for default channel you must have to click on default.
6. Next is add or remover manager if you like to get access on your channel he will able to see your entire channel and watch history.
7. Next is additional setting.
8. You can create a 50 channel with on Gmail. Account
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