How to create Play list in your YouTube channel for best response.
You are on right way to learn how
to earn with YouTube and we are discussing in a detailed view for creating
Proper YouTube channel. Do you believe if a visitor watch your video on YouTube
and he love it, do he like to watch more.
My answer is 90 % yes! Because he
have interest that field. So he will like to watch more on that topic for this
purpose I suggest my students to create list on YouTube. If you have 1000 video
on YouTube and they are on different topic you must have to create some List
called Play list on YouTube.
This will help you to create a
batter response on your Channel because if user like one video he will access
over all the video very easily. On other side if user is not interested with
your one video he will like to watch more to fine his interest. So both aspect
are in your favor let see how to create YouTube channel play list.
Process of Creating Play List on Your YouTube channel Step
by step.
1. For this click on video manage on the top of your YouTube
2. Choose playlist form the left side manue bar.
3. Here you can create your new play list - on the Uper
right click new play list.
4. First put your play list title.
5. Next, hit the add a description button.
6. Here you can add your key word in paragraph that what is
your play list here.
7. After adding description click on playlist setting.
8. Last one it which video you like to play in your list
9. Click on add videos. In the last option you can select
the video for this list.
10. Remember you can also delete any video from the list
when you like to delete.
This was ten step process how to create play list in YouTube
Channel. Benefits of creating list have shared in detail on above line. Stay
visiting for more batter video about earning online. Am your coach and this is
Online money making tips and tricks channel. For more detail please visit.
May be you like to visit
Customizing your about page on YouTube channel for online visitor response.
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