What i have to focus before i Marry her Good Wife qualities.

What i have to focus before i Marry her Good Wife qualities.

Choosing a good wife is a very Hard question Because You do not know the Qualities of someone before you meet here you pass some time with her. But Experience said that there is a great different between attitude and behavior so you must need some tips how to judge some one with time to time here are some Basic tips for you that will help you How to choose a Good wife on Qualities bases. Here are some Basic Qualities that every girl must have before she will be a wife. 

Picking the right wife is one of the most important task. No doubt it is most complicated too. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and requires a great deal of forethought. Getting married without a plan and without any forethought is a terrible decision.

Getting married is a business decision. Marriage is a contract between two entities. You have got to enter into it with the ruthless mind of a determined businessman for it to work. Everyone wants a life pattern whom have all the qualities

What i have to focus before i Marry her Good Wife qualities.

Do not worry wife is just like a girl friend if you are same treating as you faced your girl friend and Remembered that you need to start this life as a friends not a husband and wife. I call this title as a power not a part of love so if you are needed the love and you like to be happy say her we are friend and we will share each other what we have to faced i hope you will find a good life. let try this one. 

اچھی بیوی کو کیسا ہونا چاہیے بہترین عنوان جو شادی سے پہلے سوچ رہے ہیں

1. A Good Wife is that who Trust on you. 

Trust that you are good husband. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time and experience the right experience . each experience teaches you to become a better person. If your wife cheated lied or betray you. You are strong because you can handle the situation. a good wife have to trust on his husband ability. She should to know how to make the right decision

2. A Good Wife is one who share her Believes very clearly 

The relationship of the husband and wife depends on the friend ship and the sharing. A good wife knows hoe to share her problems and how to deal the sharing of her husband. Basically we can say that this relationship base of the sharing. If you share well then its mean your are proving yourself a good spouse. For the sharing there should be balance in the words when you are going to share

بے وقوف ہے وہ عورت جو اپنے مرد کو غلام بنا نا چاہتی ہے بے چاری جانتی نیہں کہ اگر وہ کامیا ب ہو بھی گئی تو ایک غلام کی بیو ی ہی کہلائے گئ تو اسے اپنا آقا بنا لو اور ملکہ جیسی زندگی گزارو۔ کاش عورتیں سمنجھ پاتیں لیکن آج کے دور میں ایسی امید آخر کیسے کی جا سکتی ہے۔

3. A Good Wife Create something new daily for your happiness. 

Same things create the bore in the life. New things keep the relation new and active. The one might surprise you, but most husbands can never be happier than they believes their wife is. Your happiness contentment and joy is of the most important. Sometimes our own selfishness and pride gets in the way but your happiness is a consistent through. A good wife create something new daily to keep and maintain the happiness in the relationship

All these point are being shared so that you learn some thing as a point of view am not expert in this line so Please Read these titles as per your own views i will not mind because I have not a Wife till now but on Google my research say that these are very helpful for those who are ready to marry someone.

4. A Good Wife is one those appreciate to stay Happy as you like. 

Men tend to crave silence and solitude in a way most women do not. Men tend to mentally recharge through silence and contemplations while women tend to recharge through conversation and engagement. Again there are generalization which would not apply to every individual but I have observed them to be true in a majority of couples. A good wife who appreciated his men as he is to stay happy as you like

5. She have a Good Attitude and Like together even you have bad attitude.

A women is always a soft nature and having the liquidity quality in her nature. The old saying is that women can be mold in any of the situation. So for the successful marriage it is necessary to have good attitude and soft nature whom can handle the bad attitude and maintain the happiness of the relation. We can say that the happiness of the marriage is depend on the behavior and the dealing to one and other

6. She always to make you a better person to proud on you. 

What a great saying that “behind the every successful man there is an lady. Women can handle all the problem wisely and can help him how to solve the problems. The problems can be easily handle if there is sharing between the husband and wife. It is possible that the person look in the affair which the ones can ignore. So in this way she will help you to being a successful person.

A good wife is those one who make you to feel proud like wise she care you , she create comfort for you. she make some economic planing for your salary. She care your kids study she Focus all those points which can give you big honor. Have you such experience. I love those couple those have happy life. 

7. She is funny but just for you not with everybody like a joker. 

This is one of the most favorite and something that is difficult to find in the relationships, you have to be able to have a laugh and joke with pattern, mess around with each other and release your inner child, again its another way of saying connecting and you can create some funny memorable times. Wife should be funny just for you but not with everyone

8. Sure she Like to Respect your family even you love her family.

Respect is the part like Reflection and if you are going to respect her family and she is still focusing to pay more and even she is not going to respect your family keep in mind she is not a good person not a good wife not a good girlfriend so never ever like such girls and she is really not able to be your wife. Let leave her now and be happy.

I always repeated one thing in my all post that Respect , Honor and Good pictures are in your own control if you pay respect you will get it. But you are also right my some students always ask sir your are wrong , I agreed do you know because some time you pay low quantity but people need more. So if you are paying respect but they are still like that there were before of this Formula : Increase the Value of Quantity of this Food, mean pay more and more but Results will be there it may be you take some time to prove but am sure 100 % that you will get more than Batter response as am explaining here. let try this one. 

9. A Good wife also satisfies her husband in Bed. 

If a guy is not met with his needs fill it will be reflect in his mood. If you are facing the rude behavior of your husband then it may be sign that you are not going to fulfill the desire or need of your husband. Most of the marriages fail is because of lack of relationship. The best way to satisfied your husband who can be good for him in the bed. Who can fill the desire and need of the husband

10. She must be a good lover and care your Love feelings.

A guys trust you only if you open up to him. Be honest with your husband. Trust him with everything and be caring to her husband. Do not be shy in good lover and care your love feeling. You can earn his trust this way. Relationships succeed only if there is mutual trust and love. Make it compulsory to talk and love each other. Listen what he want to say and understand his feelings.

یقین کیجیے جب جب آپ کسی کو دل سے یاد کر رہے ہوتے ہیں ٹھیک انہی لمحوں وہ آپ کی یاد میں محو ہوتا ہے ایسا میرا یقین ہے آپ کو اس یقین کو پانے کی لیے محبت کی قربانی دینی ہو گی تب تھوڑا تھوڑا آپ کو بھی یہ دولت نصیب ہو گی  آزما کے دیکھییے !  

Good Wife Qualities: How to find good Wife.

If you are searching a good wife and you are still in Process of Searching i suggest you these top five secret of Wife qualities if she some one what ever who is she having these qualities please marry her she will care you all the life. Here are some Best Wife qualities. 

  • She must be faithful and share the same feeling as you love. 
  • She Understand your feelings and take care of those.
  • She design your Future and appreciate your feelings 
  •  She Take care of your Property like a watch dog.
  • She Create Surprise of Happiness for you every day

11. She must be faithful and share the same feeling as you love. 

So now we move on to the serious part of a marriage. Communication, have faithful and the same feeling as you love. It is most important in any kind of the relationship. If you do not communicate on a personal basis your facts and problems cannot reach to your spouse. You have to share. The secret behind the successful relationship is lies in the sharing and caring. If you are not going to share then problems and issue shall remain unaddressed and unsolved

12. She Understand your feelings and take care of those.

Men want to be rock stars for their women. You are able to somebody being beautiful empowered and independent while being receptive and appreciative of what your man wants to give you. You are easy to contribute to you. The women need to take care of her sharing and help him in getting out of the phase and the difficult situation. A wise women is always preferable for her as compare to teenage.

13. She design your Future and appreciate your feelings 

Most men not all the men like a women to have good prospects in life, have a sense of direction and know what they want from life. Not all men like a career women as they feel intimidated by their success as horrible as it sounds it is true. Especially if the women is earning more than them. But indeed a woman should who help in getting a successful man and always prove her the best helping hand.

14. She Take care of your Property like a watch dog. 

She will take care of her property or accept his financial status as he is. She never greed for money and do show the selfishness. Keep his house as her personal property. The healthy atmosphere you create in your home will lift his mood. Come up with innovation ideas to make your home a peaceful place for him. Make him trust worthy by doing all his care and helpful in his property. A wife is a friend first and lover second and a maid third

ہم بہتر پانے کے شوق میں مصروف ہیں ہم بہتر ہونا نہیں چاہتے جبکہ میرے اللہ نے تو وضح فرما دیا ہے نیک مردوں کے لیے نیک بیویا ں ہیں تو بس فارمولا تو بہت سادہ ہے اگر سمجھ آجائے

15. She Create Surprise of Happiness for you every day

Even though there is an issue as to whether being unpredictable is a good thing in marriage or not. According to me it just spices up the relationship. Relationships get boring if them are too predictable. You just have to care that the unpredictable things you do are not disturbing. Surprise your husband with thoughtful gifts every now and then special candlelight dinner will help you to grab the attention

16. She is your Girlfriend for life and for ever 

You have to tell that she is girl friend for the life and she is forever. Tell her about the importance. Do let her know how she is worth for you never you want to give away her. Tell her she will be always there in your life. Do let her know about your strong minded and strong attention about her. You need to tell her about the worth. Telling the importance of the personality will help you in telling about the importance

17. She is always sharing and caring for your Happiness. 

You do not want your marriage on the rock right? So start sharing with your husband whatever is going on in your mind. Even if your mind is hassle free, sit together at the end of the day and share incidents from your say at work or at home. When you share things with your husband but finds it easier to open up in front of you and your marriage will be happy one

18. She never planning for war she solve problems being a good wife.

A good wife is pleasant and she is never problem create or rude. To be good wife you must be warm kind, affectionate, caring, understanding, positive, obedient and friendly. You should also be responsible, reliable and give him confidence to do anything. All these qualities will make your husband comfortable around you. She have to be good planner and she have the ability to solve all the problems as the one is suffering

19. She feel that Happiness of Husband is key of Happy life.

People love to be loved. Love is the key of happiness in the married life. When a man is looking for his wife. He wants to make sure his happiness lies in the wife and their future children get a lot of happiness in their home, to be kind and nature to do anything for them out of the kindness of their heart because she loves them and make effort to keep them happy and wants them to have nice things that she do effort to maintain the happiness

20. She always be a Combination of Good Qualities.

There are so many various different things men look for in a woman that he intends on making his wife. In fact man want a combination of all the good qualities in the women who has the ability to make the house as a paradise. there are a lot of good qualities like she has beauty and attractive, she is wise and always helpful. She have to manage all the critical situation۔

ٖFinal Worlds:

Dear Friends am from Pakistan and sharing these Qualities as a Muslim Point of view am sorry if you do not agreed on these points but Being a Muslim am agreed because my Believe my faith and my Religion Teach me the Lesson of these Title. Let Bee good and Stay Blessed. May Allah Bless you happiness in This life , I know Married life is So hard but Not too much you just have to understand each other and move as the Time need. Pay respect and Get Respect hope you will Get a Good and happy life.