Top Secret Problem of Teenage Girls and their Solution.

Top Secret Problem of Teenage Girls and their Solution.

As the pace come on both boys and girls. But girls are more sensitive and have to face many of complex difficulties. Almost half of our population consists of girls. So we need to handle them with care and attention so they can give their best to the next generation. We can deal the top secret problems of teenage girls with great solution if we have proper knowledge.

Everyone have to face such situation even it is good to say that every parents have to face such difficulty in the bringing up their child. So they should to know hoe to handle such situation with the proper knowledge.

1. Keep in Mind every where your Appreance is Count.

Freedom is very expensive. The good of writing is this “excess of everything is bad “ so we have to be very care full about the gathering, their parties, parents should know about their friends. It is really very important that the presences of the parents are very necessary because in teenager they have no idea about the right and wrong. So your presence help them in such situation

2. Your Education is also counted in every meeting. 

Parent’s education and their experience is very meaningful for their children’s. Many of the problems can be solve through the education and through the experience. If the parents have lack of knowledge, education and experience then their children feel insecure. They do not know how to share their problems to get the proper response. Even if your meeting with someone then you have proper education regarding the meeting and greeting

3. Teenage girls behavior problems also counted that how you Behave

In the society I live it is said that “ if you want to judge the behavior of the girl then you should spend the time with the mother you have come to know that which sort of behavior she is. Parents are the first teacher of the children. From their behavior they learn a lot. If teenager behave bead then you have to teach them and show the practical example how to behave humble.

4. Say No to Sex say no for Dating Improve your Good Habits.

No matter from which society you belong. A bad habit will always consider bad in every society. Or a good habit will consider in all society. In teenager many of girls and boys want to enjoy want to precious for the someone. For the satisfaction they adopt wrong way. There is right time for the every deed so tell them having sex before the time is bad for them and did not consider good habit

5. Bullying is one another big problem of Teen age girls.

The most common issue is faced by the teenager is bulling. Bulling, harassment and dirty jokes is always a source of the insulting and have negative remarks on the personality. in the growing age mostly girls have to face the bulling which give the negative impact on the personality. So you can help your daughter or sister by hearing. You have to hear their problems and teach them how can they handle such situation

7. Stop Friendship with every one it can be harmful for you.

Mostly in this age they are sealing want change. For the change they adopt many of the habits which is harmful for them and prove a bad fruit. In this age they like to be friendship with the new people and unfortunately they have lack of knowledge regarding the selection of the people. You have to teach them do not accept the offer of the friendship from everyone.

8 Stop Comparing Your Self Respect with other to make Self Esteem.

There is a worst problem which leads our teenager towards the negative thought. It is sad to say that parents compare their child with the other child. This comparing bring harm for the personality. They lost their confidence. They think they cannot give their best. And the most important the teenager does not want to spend their time with their parents and they have negative thing for you and sorry to write they do not respect you any more.

9. Depression is the part of Teenage Girls and Boy so do not worry.

In the teenager many of the changes are take place. For example the changes in the body the changes in the hormones and the changes in the body. They are unable to understand the change of their inner or outer. In such cases they get depressed and cause of many problems. Depression is the part of every teenage girls and boys so do not need to worry it is a temporary.

10. Girls health Problems are Naturally So face with Courage.

Many changes occur in the body. There are many changes will also occur in inner and outer. girls has to face many of the problems. Sometimes they get irritate with such situation. You have to teach them how to handle these changes. Please tell them how to handle the problems. Give those tips and tricks.

11. you must be Friend of your Kids than Parents.

Majority of the problem increase when the parents have poor handling to their kids. Majority of the parents want dominating to their children’s which brings many of the problems. Parents should create the friendly environment among the kids. It will solve many of the problems. Do not scold them. Instead of scolding advise them. Give them attention so they can not find other source of the attention.

12. You must have to Respects of their Privacy.

Child has their own personality. They want all the things as the elder want. They have their respect and privacy. Children privacy is also very important. Taught them they are very value able for your. You also want to maintain the privacy and also keep their secrets as it is your own secrets. Do not expose their privacy or secrets to any one. It will give negative impact on the children and they feel insecure as well,

13. Your Young Girls need your Courteous and conscious behavior. 

Young girls are more sensitive and we also have to be much conscious about them. We have to keep check and balance on them. They are soft hearted and really need of your friendly environment. Naturally the girls are very week they can not handle their problems. They need your guideline and courteous and conscious behavior. It will give the power to solve their own problems

14. Cold Hands of teen age girl show the Stress which she cannot explain.

As we have talk many times that girls are very sensitive. Even we can say that girls are also very weak to hide their feeling. If they are disturb or in the stress position then anyone can easily judge that they are in the stress. There are some cold hand, tears in the eyes and so on. When they have no proper words or arrangement to solve their problems then such situates appear.

15. Remember your Period Dates Special in College or School age. 

In the teenage girls have to face many of the problems. One of them is periods. This also make them irritating. They have no idea how to handle these situation. In the early days of collage and the school you have to be much conscious about their period dates. So they cannot get enables among the other girls. Teach them how to take care of her self

17. Create a Good Environment and Friendly with your young Kids. 

Pleas keep the good environment and friendly with your kids. Majority of the problem increase when the parents have poor handling to their kids. Majority of the parents want dominating to their children’s which brings many of the problems. Parents should create the friendly environment among the kids. It will solve many of the problems. Do not scold them. Instead of scolding advise them. Give them attention so they can not find other source of the attention

18. When We create Gaps with our Kids they find someone else to share their problems. 

If we have less time or we are working person and do not have sufficient time to get good environment and friendly. then there will be gap between you and your kids. Due to gap your kids feel hesitate to share their problems with you. On the other hand someone else will play your roll and it is also possible they will lead your child towards the wrong way.

19. All Girls are not same so care those one who need more. 

Every girls has its own nature and there are different sort of girls. Some are much sensitive and some are less sensitive. Some can handle their problems and some cannot. We have to see that if the girl is more sensitive and can not handle their own problems then they need more care and security. We have guide them and teach them how can they solve their problems with courage

20. Keep you teenage girls busy to save them all the time.

There is a well said that free person mind is the house of the devil. So arrange proper time and activity to engage them in different task so they can utilize their time and learn how to manage their time without wasting. There are many problems which can be solving by such activity. By these steps they also learn how to use their time.

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