20 Places in Pakistan that you must visit before you Die.

20 Places in Pakistan that you must visit before you Die.

We are blessed to have the most beautiful and natural rich country. Our country Pakistan have its own example in the beauty. When the beauty of the land is discuss then it is impossible to ignore the beauty of the Pakistan. People believe or not but Pakistan is very rich and beautiful country. If you are natural beauty lover then you have to visit the Pakistan before you die

If you had visit many of the countries then you should also visit the Pakistan. You will also find that Pakistan natural beauty is match less . you will love to visit these places every year. 

1. Kaghan Most Beautiful Valley Lake Saif ul Malook in KPK province.

Saif ul malook is the lake situated near the Narran.saif ul malook is one of the pretest lake in the world. It is situated in the khabir paktoon province.not only the people of the Pakistan is in loved with the beauty of the lake in fact all over the world people love to visit it again and again. there is no proper words to narrate the beauty of the lake. The local people are also very friendly .

2. Kalash Valley In Chitral District most Beautiful and Famous Valley.

Kalash valley is very beautiful valley in the district of the chitral. Whenever we talk about the Pakistan beautiful places then it is not possible to ignore the beauty of the kalash valley. Not only the kalash valley is different but the people of the kalash are also very different. The culture of the kalash is totally different. There custom and tradition is different from the other.

3. The Badshahi Masjid Lahore the Most Beautiful Mosque of Lahour

Badshahi masjid is one of the most amazing building of subcontinent. It is the 2nd largest mousque in the south Asia. This beautiful masjid is situated in the Lahore. It is an historical place. We can say that it is the master piece. It is the fifth largest moajid in the world. And it is the 2nd largest masjid of the Pakistan. It was the land mark of the Lahore. No one deny the beauty of the badshahi masjid.

4. Mazar e Quaid In Karachi the most lighted City of Pakistan.

Mazar e quaid is the land mark of the Karachi. Karachi is one of the biggest city of the Pakistan. It is said that Karachi is the most lighted city of the Pakistan.it is most popular among the people of the Pakistan. It is impossible that someone visit the Karachi and lost the chance of visiting the mazar e quaid.it is most famous tomb stone in the Pakistan. It is always delightful to visit the mazar e quaid.

5. Mohenjo Doro A Back Historical Place in Beautiful Pakistan.

Mohenjo doro is also a very wonderful historical place in the history of the Pakistan. It is really very amazing place for the people who want to visit the historical place. Their culture still alive in the historical place. If you visit the mohenjo doro I will revel that it has the rich culture also a source of the getting knowledge about the people how spend their lives. Many of the foreign also visit the mohenjo doro.

6. The Neelam Valley in Azad Kashmir Region Pakistan.

Kashmir is the very beautiful place in the region of the Pakistan.neelam valley is the situated in muzafferabad . it is the most beautiful and the most populated area in the region of muzaffrabad.there are many school, collages and hospitals are establish. Some private restaurants and hotels are also working for the people. It is very famous town in the azad Kashmir. Everyone love to visit the neelam valley.

7. Hunza Valley In Gilgit Baltistan Region Pakistan.

Hunza valley is the mountain area in the gilgit baltistan in the region of the Pakistan.huna is the famous toriest desination .upper hunza is very beautiful , center hunza is the administrative region.lower region is the sub region of the hunza valley.the dry fruits and the fruits are very famous of the hunza valley. Their tradition and the customs are very beautiful. The weather of the hunza is very beautiful

8. Rawalakot Azad kashmir Best Beautiful Place in Pakistan.

Rawalakot is also known as the pearl valley. It is very beautiful in the region of the azad Kashmir. When the word come Kashmir then no word can define the beauty of the land. It is beautiful valley which is surrounded by the hills. Rawalakot is the summer picnic point for the visitors. The winter in the rawalakot is very cold and chilling. It is always pleasant to visit the rawalakot.

9. Ziarat the Beauty of Quetta Pakistan lovely City .

Ziarat is very famous in the beauty of quetta. Quetta is one of the beautiful city of the Pakistan. The meaning of the ziarat is the sherine “the grave of the holy man “. Many of the people visit the ziarat. Ziarat take proud that they serve quaid e azam in there last days. When the snow falls in the ziarat it gives the pleasant effect. The traditional dish of the ziarat is saji. Ziarat is always pleasant to visit.

10. Wadee Jehlum the Azad Kashmir Beauty of Jehlum Valley.

The jehlum vallery is the extra ordinary beautiful place in the azad Kashmir. Azad Kashmir is the part of the Kashmir. Jehlum valley is along the jehlum river in the muzaffrabad.this is an ideal place for the domestic and international visitor. The pure air and the smell of the grass and the beautiful stmosphere all these things give an inspiration effect on the visit. It is speechless beauty.

11.The Beautiful Clifton in Karachi Sindh Beaches of Pakistan.

Karachi is also very famous for its beach. Sea side is always very attractive for the people. There are also many places of the beach and one of the most famous beach is Clifton. It is very beautiful beach. when the people of the Karachi , domestic or the international visitors also want to visit the Clifton . it is really very beautiful side. The side of Clifton is speechless beauty

12. The Desert of Sindh Most Hot and Calm Places of Pakistan.

The desert of the sidh is also known as the that. It is also called the Indian dessert. Desert itself look pretty. There is a cool effect and pleasant to see but on the other hand it is hard to spend the life in the dessert. There is lack of the facilities. There is lack of impure water. But it is good place to visit. The weather of the desert is very hot but it is the calmest place in the world.

13. The Beauty of Multan with Beautiful Tomb of Bahao Din Zakrya .

Every city have its own charm and the beauty. In the city of the multan the beauty lies in the tomb of baho din zarkya. It is very famous tomb. He was a very poise name. he have seven sons all the sons are very poise .the tomb was totally destroy in 1878 but later it was rebuild in the region of the Pakistan. We can say that with the baho din zakrya it increase the beauty of the Multan city

14. Beautiful Lahore with Great People of Pakistan.

Lahore is one of the biggest city of the Pakistan. It is very popular city of the Pakistan. Lahore is very famous for its young heart people. Lahore is the city of Punjab province. The people of the Lahore are very famous. They have their own example in the hospitality. They are very found of eating. The people of the Punjab know the beauty of the ceremony they add the charm in any of the ceremony.

15. The Natural Beauty of Bahawalpur pur Pakistan.
Bahawalpur is one of the natural beauties. There are many of the historical places in the city of Bahawalpur. Bahawalpur is the city of the Punjab. One of the most amazing place of the Bahawalpur is the zoo. Many young, children love to visit the zoo. We can say that zoo is the most attraction factor for the people of the Pakistan. The people of the Bahawalpur have their own example in the hospitality

16. Most Beautiful Capital of Pakistan Islamabad Beauty. 

Islamabad is the most beautiful city of the Pakistan. It is also the capital of the Pakistan. There is no match of the beauty of the Islamabad. There are many historical and beautiful building in the Islamabad which increase the beauty of the city. No doubt Islamabad is most clean city of the Pakistan. Islamabad is the most popular city of the Pakistan. People love to visit the Islamabad.

17. The Lovely Karachi the Mother of Poor City Steel Mill 

The most populated city of the Pakistan is the Karachi. We can say that Karachi is the city of light. Much business start from this city. There is creavity in the people of the Karachi. Karachi is the mother of steel mill. Pakistan is cultivated country but there are also industries. As the name shows that steel mill is very important for the progress of the country. Karachi is very famous city of the Pakistan 

18. Sweet Gilgit Baltistan The Natural View of Beauty.

Balistan is the land of the mountain which have very rich culture. There were several kinsdom in the region in the past. The old rulers left their marks by beautiful forts and buildings. The sweet gilgit is very famous for the beauty of the city. It is always get the beautiful and narrate able comment from the domestic and international visitors. It is surrounding by the hills which increase the charm in the beauty of the hills

19. Wagha Border Lahore the Point of Love For Pakistan.

Lahore is well known city of the Pakistan. It is the heart of the Punjab province in the country of the Pakistan. Wahgha border is also a very famous border in the Lahore. It the border which create the link with the Pakistan and India. Mostly on the eve of the history people love to visit these places. The beauty of the wagha border is very famous and well known.

20. The Beautiful Peshawar The most beautiful People of Pakistan.

Peshawar is one of the most beautiful city of the Pakistan. The weather of the Peshawar is very cool. There are many places in the Peshawar which is famous for its beauty. There are many traditional dishes are also very famous not in the city but all over the world. City Peshawar is not only beautiful the people of the Peshawar are also very beautiful and having beautiful heart as well

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