Different between general education and Special education.

Different between general education and Special education why you need Special Education?

The basic purpose of Special education is to provide well trained staff to disable students a proper environment where they can learn and get extra care which a normal Student does not need. A normal students attend the class , take inters in his / her study and grow as per his age on the other side if we talk about the Disable Students they are special , They need special care and special requirement like a well-trained teacher and proper.

So general education is another topic, a completely different from Special students. Here I thing you must have to need to know what is different between normal student a Special Student.

Normal Students Vs Special Students

A normal students does not have any erroneous reaction in class, he take interest in his study and grow as per his age but on other side a special student is not like that. He need extra care to grow, he is disable an well trained I mean special teacher are required as per his need we will discuss all the matters about Special student

General Teachers Vs Special Teachers.

A general teacher is a well-trained but not have extra special tricks to care some abnormal students. Any Teacher who have Special training on how to deal Special Students with complete care to grow in his study called Special teacher.

So you can say a Specialist teachers , a speech therapist teacher, Occupational therapist expert , Physical therapist like these professional are called Special Teachers while a general teacher just have ideas to deal a normal students in the class. 

Major different between Special Education and Regular Education:

I would like to explain in a very easy way the different like in two lines as under:

A normal student need different instructional methods to grow in his study.

While a special student need extra care , additional specials trainer or professional like specialized teachers, Professionals, physical therapists, Social workers, speech therapist, occupational therapists etc.

In general schools teaches team, Coordinator and principal also mention to find any case like if there exist.
Special student need special planning which is called IEP (individual education plan) every special student need its own individual planning.

Behavior change, attitude building and daily eating etiquette and living etiquette proper planning need for every special child on individual bases.


A normal child is very simple his growth developed as per his age and in case of special one you need extra training , extra skills to deal and guide him. In every good standard school teacher identify such cases and if the case is really special than the individual will pass to the Special schools.

In all over the world there are special Education school which are working for especially for such cases. If you have any kind of question please comments us.