How Poor Listening can be barrier to Communication

How Poor Listening can be barrier to Communication

Poor listening is a common barrier to successful oral communication. Although most of us think that we are good listeners but in reality we are poor listeners. We all let our minds wander now and then. We gradually start to sleep when information is difficult to understand and when it has little direct bearing on our own lives.

The various distractions that hinder listening may be emotional disturbance, in difference, aggressiveness, and wandering attention. Sometime the receiver are so engrossed in their own thoughts and worries that they are unable to concentrate on listening.
How Poor Listening can be barrier to Communication

Senders can use several methods to overcome listening as a communication barrier. Receivers can be asked questions to determine the extent of their comprehension. One of the effective ways to remove poor listening as a barrier to communication is to improve the quality of the message and the way in which it is conveyed. 

How Perceptual Differences can be barrier to Communication.