Definition of Business Communication and Brief History of Communication.

What is Communication?

The word communication comes from the Latin word communis which means common. When individuals communicate they try to establish a common understanding between and among themselves. 

What is Communication?

Definition of Business Communication and Brief History of Communication. 

What is definition of Communication?

Dictionary definition of communication include such phrases as to impart information or knowledge , to share information with others by speaking , writing moving your body or using other signals. Other definitions are limited to stimulus response situation in which messages are deliberately transmitted in order to invoke a response as when asking a question and expecting an answer, or when writing advertising copy to stimulate people to buy.

The simplified definition of communication is the transfer of meaning from the sender to the receiver. Another definition is that communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

A broader definition of communication includes situations in which there is no intention of transmitting message, as in much of nonverbal communication, such as un planned facial expression, body movement or a blush.

Definition of Business communication?

Business communication is the process of establishing a common understanding between or among people within business environment.

Or in other words you can say that the exchanging of information within and without business is called business communication. Keep in mind that all messages are not clear and all kind of information are not true or real so here there is a question what is Effective communication let See the definition of Effective communication.